Android Splash Screen
There are many ways to implement splash screen in Android application. I like using Dialogs because there is no need for two Activities and sharing data between them. If you have Activity, declare...
View ArticleAndroid Custom Typeface/Font via XML
The idea of defining custom typeface via XML is simple: extend TextView, add custom XML attribute and create Typeface objects using one of static Typeface class methods (we will use...
View ArticleAndroid PreferenceActivity, headers and deprecated...
You may have probably read Settings tutorial from official Android documentation and found out that things are a bit confusing related to newly introduced headers, as I have had. Android enables...
View ArticleAndroid Material Design Navigation Drawer Under Status Bar – With Toolbar
When you create new activity in Android Studio and choose Navigation Drawer Activity, you get two java classes (activity and fragment) and a couple of XML files. And if you open newly created activity...
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